Friday, January 30, 2015

Over 50 Style: Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren style
   In my last post, I expressed dismay that out of Harper Bazaar's 100 Women of Style list, only 9 of the women noted were over 50! Surely there are more stylish women over 50?! I immediately thought of several whose absence from the list was surely a glaring oversight on someone's part. Heads should roll!
   The first woman of style missing from the list: Helen Mirren.
   Why she should be on the list: She has style in every inch of her body. Her style speaks through clothing choices, her posture and attitude, her hairstyles and makeup choices. There were a few under-thirties on that list who could learn a lot about style from Helen Mirren!
Helen Mirren style
 Above and below, I love her choice of formal wear.  The dresses are always beautiful on her and they are truly what I call "starlike", that is, they are beautifully cut and adorned with lovely embellishments.  When she goes to awards shows, she is just flat out glamorous and sexy while still being classic. I would love to own the black dress below.
Helen Mirren fashion

fashion over 50
 Love the earrings with this outfit. 
beautiful women over 50
 Below, I love that Helen Mirren shops at CVS!  I also like this "everyday" look she's wearing for running errands.  That top is divine!
style over 50
 Below, another look at that gorgeous dress. 
beautiful women over 50
 Love the hair! And Helen Mirren is so good about choosing colors that look fantastic on her. Knowing what works on you is such a huge part of having style!
stylish women over 50
 Below, this bright blue is beautiful and looks great with the color of Helen's hair.  I love the whimsical lizard pin that she is wearing. 
beautiful women over 50
 Below, another of the wonderfully embellished dresses that Mirren favors.  The earrings are perfect.
Helen Mirren style

beautiful women over 50
 Above, striking a pose in red. Look at the wonderful decorative belt she is wearing.
 Below, two wonderful head shots with two different attitudes. Both are stunning!
Helen Mirren style

Helen Mirren fashion
   So, who over 50 would you add to Harper's Bazaar's list of stylish women? Do you agree with me about Helen Mirren?

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